

Receiving Independent Legal Advice on a Mortgage Transaction

Written by on June 20, 2017

Often during a refinance transaction, the homeowners and borrowers of the funds, or a guarantor of funds, will be asked by the lender (a bank, trust company, or private lender) to seek independent legal advice or “ILA” from a lawyer. It may seem like an unnecessary extra expense to borrowers (or guarantors) who may already be paying […]


Letters of Invitation

Written by on March 16, 2017

If you are residing in Canada as a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident and have friends or family coming to visit from another country, they may ask you to write them an invitation letter. Most often a visitor will need this type of letter if they are coming on a temporary resident or tourist visa. […]


Travel Consent Letters Explained

Written by on March 12, 2017

What are travel consent letters? Basically a travel consent letter is simply a document wherein the parents/legal guardians of a minor child confirm that the child is travelling outside of Canada with their knowledge and permission.  Obviously, if the child is travelling with both parents, such a letter is not required but in situations where […]


Equine Medication Control Violations: A Discussion

Written by on February 23, 2017

Many horseback riders and owners are casual riders who do not compete or compete only at unrecognized or “schooling” shows. But thousands of riders across Ontario saddle up their horses every week and compete in shows recognized by our federal regulating body, Equestrian Canada (formerly Equine Canada). These shows are categorized as Bronze, Silver, or […]


The Boarder Who Doesn’t Pay

Written by on January 11, 2017

Probably one of the most common issues a boarding barn owner or manager will encounter is a client who does not pay board in a timely fashion, becomes behind on board payments, or even abandons the horse completely. While horse boarding stables are staffed by people whose primary concern is always caring for the animals, […]


Can I avoid Estate Tax by putting my child on title to my home with me?

Written by on November 25, 2016

Can I avoid Estate Tax by putting my child on title to my home with me? We all like to avoid paying taxes and the idea of being taxed because you died seems even more distasteful. So what can you do to get the bad taste out of your mouth? Conceptually, the answer is fairly […]


The Importance of a Will

Written by on November 10, 2016

The importance of a will cannot be understated. An up-to-date and properly written will can simplify settling an estate after a person’s death, while ensuring that the deceased’s wishes are carried out and desired beneficiaries receive their inheritances. There are a number of different clauses that can be included in a will to tailor it […]


Ok, I have made my Will, now what?

Written by on October 19, 2016

For many people, the decision to make a Will is a difficult one. Contemplating and planning for what you want to happen to your material belongings after you pass can feel like a morbid exercise. Most people, having made the decision to put this exercise behind them give a sigh of relief once they have gotten through the Will interview […]


The Horse Riding Safety Act

Written by on July 13, 2016

The Horse Riding Safety Act is legislation unique to Ontario. It is important for those who run boarding stables, lesson barns, trail strings, or host horse shows, clinics, or other events where horses will be ridden to understand the application of this law. The Horse Riding Safety Act was introduced primarily as a result of […]


What are paralegals, and how can they help me?

Written by on July 13, 2016

This question is more common than I expected when I began practising as a licenced paralegal in 2014. I was genuinely surprised how many people were unsure of what exactly a paralegal is and what legal issues a paralegal can help with. What is a paralegal? A paralegal is not a lawyer. A paralegal is […]